
Recipe > 家禽 > Stuffed Boneless Chicken Wing 
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    Stuffed Boneless Chicken Wing   

8 pcs chicken wings 20g Jinhua ham
20g bamboo shoots8 pcs bamboo mustard cabbage

1 1/2 cup stockSome salt
Some sugar Some Chicken Powder
Some cornstarch water 


Cooking Method
1.Rinse Chicken Wings, poach in stock for 15 minutes. Remove and put on iced water to cool down. Poach Bamboo Mustard Cabbage in Stock.
2.Remove the bones from the chicken wing. Cut bamboo shoot and Jinhua Ham into strips. Then, stuff bamboo shoot and Jinhua ham into the chicken wing. Then, poach in stock and seasonings for 10 minutes.
3.Put the bamboo mustard cabbage and the chicken wings on top of the plate.
4.Cook the stock with cornstarch water. Pour onto the wings. Ready to serve.

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