
Recipe > 家畜 > Braised Beef Flank in Bean Curd Sauce 
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    Braised Beef Flank in Bean Curd Sauce   

600g Beef Flank 230g Water Chestnuts
150g Dried bean curd ball 1/2pc Garlic (mashed)
4 slices Ginger 4 bowls Water

2 pcs Aniseed 1/2 tbsp Oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp Dark soy sauce 1/2 tbsp Preserved bean curd sauce
40g Rock sugar 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine


Cooking Method
1.Chop beef flank into big pieces. Peel water chestnuts and chop into half and rinse. Rinse dried bean curd balls
2.Heat 1 tsp of oil sautee garlic and ginger slices. Add in beef flank, water chestnuts and dried bean curd ball and stir. Add in seasoning and water, braise for 1 1/2 hours, season with salt and rock sugar. Serve

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